Tips To Write An Impressive DBQ Essay

DBQ Essays are frequently asked for in AP Exams, US History, and European History. DBQ essay writing is like a sixty-four-thousand-dollar-question; if you answer it correctly, you will score well in the AP exam. DBQ, as its name suggests is based around a set of documents on a specific topic or period. It is important to examine the documents in order to determine their relationship, any trends during that time period, etc. Don’t forget to analyze the events as well. Just like a historian does when analyzing primary sources.

You should focus on two aspects when writing a DBQ-style essay: planning well and using the right methods. The AP exam gives you 55 minutes, 15 minutes of reading time and 40 minutes of writing time. These 15 minutes are to be used to comprehend the essay questions, to reflect on them, and to sort the documents. It is not necessary to begin writing before the 15-minute mark. Instead, use this time for planning your paper. If this seems to be a difficult task, these tips will help you get through it.

1. The question is to be read and understood

Identify crucial things like location, personality, time frame, etc. Mark these items because you may need them for a question that asks you to compare and/or contrast. Write down the information you have to offer and your perspective. Do the brainstorming first, before you read the documents. It will be hard to come up with other ideas when the documents are in your head. Understanding the question will help you to provide an accurate response.

2. Analyze documents efficiently

Exams may have different numbers of documents, but you should still examine as many as possible. You will also need to provide evidence at the end of your argument to back up your claims. Documents may be articles, speeches, correspondence, charts, images, maps, or diary entries. Many of the documents you will see are familiar, but many others may not be.

3. The main idea in the text should be written down briefly

You can find out the author of the document by contacting them. Answer questions about the document. List the main events from the documents. Sort out documents into groups so that you can analyze information effectively. These details will be useful when writing essays. Use the title instead of “document 1” or “document 2”.

4. You will need to present a statement of thesis.

Write down a summary for your essay. Determine what you already know and which documents you’ll use. Separate paragraphs are needed for each idea you wish to discuss.

5. Write an essay

Your main objective should be to develop a solid thesis supported by strong, clear sentences that address the essay question.

  • Opening

    Introduce the topic. Explain the history of the subject, the ideas that will be described and then state your thesis.
  • Body Paragraphs

    This section usually has two or three paragraphs. Each paragraph must only cover one topic. Analyze your documents, which you have grouped into groups. Start by analyzing the first group and start each paragraph with a topic sentence. As many documents as possible. Documents can be used to support ideas that you have written down. Be sure to relate each point back to your thesis statement, and support it with appropriate documents or external information. Use external information when writing DBQ essays to get maximum credit. You can’t just pick one answer. Use the evidence to support your argument.
  • Final Thoughts

    You can begin by paraphrasing and summarizing your DBQ’s goal. The essay question’s impact in the modern world should be discussed. You don’t need to end your essay abruptly if you do not have time to write an extensive conclusion.

6. Check for errors

It is best to proofread DBQ essays once you’ve written them. This will ensure you have spelled the names correctly, used the dates correctly, and included all documents. Verify that your essay is logically organized and follows a flow.

Learn more about the AP Exam and more practice is needed to increase your confidence and your chances of writing a timed essay that will be excellent. These tips will help you to perfect your writing skills for a DBQ.


  • haleighherrera

    Hello, my name is Haleigh Herrera and I am a 29-year-old educational blogger and mother. As a mother, I know the importance of staying informed and educating myself on important topics. That's why I blog, to share my knowledge and experiences with you and hopefully help you in your own parenting journey.

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